To drive commitment, you have to dig deep and understand your members: show them value and interest, by identifying their needs and fulfilling them.
Share the habits and tools of your members
• Who are they? Jobs, status, skills, areas of interest...
• What are their needs? Network, help and support, exchange of ideas/advice Mentorship...
• How to help them? Facilitate networking, foster collaboration, encourage mutual aid, promote talents…
To strengthen membership, you have to foster the feeling of belonging among all members: keep building a strong culture that is aligned with your community's vision and identity.
Block criticism and negativity, make everyone feel that they've contributed to the community and create the best environment that encourages everyone to participate and contribute fully.<:br>
Appreciate every effort and involve your members. By involving them, they invest more. By showing them that it works, they recommend the community.
Remember that recognition is often the best motivator. Put your members in the limelight and promote talents, the rest of the members will follow!!
Keep your community active and engaged by connecting talents around continuous learning and personal development.
Boost relations between members and multiply the opportunities of exchange. For example, you can develop the entrepreneurial spirit with external speakers who have chosen to work differently, create events, or offer help and support workshops until members find their path.